2021 As Co-Investigator, From Valley to Plain: Conservation and Revitalisation from ‘Ng To’ to Kuk Po river and plain via multi-disciplinary, educational and action research (遊谷探埔:從五肚到谷埔河及平原的多學科保育、教育與行動式復育研究), funded by Countryside Conservation Funding Scheme, Hong Kong SAR Government.
Ng, S.L., Feng, X (2019). Residents’ intention of the development of cultural tourism in a Cultural World Heritage Site. Paper was presented in: The International Conference on Tourism and Sustainable Development Goals, Hong Kong, May 16-17, 2018.
2018 As Principal Investigator, Scientific Study on the Impact of Cremated Human Ashes on Lawn in Gardens of Remembrance, funded by Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, Hong Kong SAR Government.
2017 As Principal Investigator, Provision of a Study on Programme on Source Separation of Domestic Waste, funded by Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong SAR Government.
2017 As Principal Investigator, Provision of Services on the Modification of Recycling and Refuse Collection Facilities in Public Places, funded by Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong .