
雷鴻飛 助理教授 期刊論文

  1. 雷鴻飛2011,論澎湖的海崖後退與濱臺發育,工程環境會刊,87-96
  2. 雷鴻飛2009,描述日雨型態的三種機率分佈模式:以阿里山為例,華岡地理學報,第24期,29-37
  3. 雷鴻飛2006Is Soil Creep a Turbulent Flow?,華岡地理學報,第19期,59-83
  4. Lei,H.F, 2005, The Geomorphic Implications of the Balanced Porosity Profile, Eath Surface Processes and Landforms.
  5. C. H. Jen, Hung-Fei Lei, Shyh Jeng Chyi, and Min Yu Hsueh (2009). The Impact of Typhoon Morakot in 2009 on Landslides, Debris Flows and Population in the Chishan River Catchment, Taiwan. In Geomorphology and Society (pp. 59-81), edited by Michael E. Meadows and Jiun-Chuan Lin. BERLIN: Springer Nature.
  6. Chia-Hung Jen, Jia-Hong Chen, Hung-Fei Lei, Lih-Der Hoa, Han-Wen Zhou, Ting-Yu Lin, Cheng-Hao Lu, Min-Yu Hsueh, Shyh-Jeng Chyi, 2017,Recent movement of the Late Pleistocene Shoushan slump, southwestern Taiwan, based on landform surveys, Quaternary International No.452 ,12-21