
謝雨潔 副教授 期刊論文

論文期刊(Journal article)

  • 謝雨潔 (2021),從此時此地,到更平等的彼方 : 多元婚姻、同志家庭與跨國伴侶,性別平等季刊,95:16-22。
  • Hsieh, Y.C. &  Skelton, T. (2017). Sunflowers, youthful protestors and political achievements: Lessons from Taiwan. Children's Geographies, 16(1), 105-113. (SSCI) 
  • Hsieh, Y. C. (2016). The Significance of Subtle Ways: Navigating femininities in high schools of Taiwan. Children's Geographies, 14(6), 731-744. (SSCI) (http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14733285.2016.1192581)
  • 王鎂欣、謝雨潔 (2016),再建 (見) 公共性:淡水捷運站青少年街舞空間的社會排除與協商,地理研究,64:27-43。
  • 謝雨潔(2014),初探「教育地理學」:教育主體、學習空間及鄰里社群,地理研究,60:87-106。
  • Hsieh, Y. (2010) Gender Equity Education in Taiwan: Policy, schooling and young people’s gender and sexual identities. Department of Geography, Loughborough University, UK. (PhD thesis)
  • 謝雨潔、劉昭吟、許智偉及劉峰齊 (2002)《金門縣教育資源整合計畫》金門縣政府教育局。


專書(篇章)(Book chapter)

  • 王鎂欣、戴伊瑋、謝雨潔、范為森 (2017). 探討九年一貫社會領域地理科課程教學不易之處-以「全球氣候」為例。載於《教材教法理論與實務》(ISBN 978-986-05-1806-1),臺北市: 國立臺灣大學師資培育中心。
  • Hsieh, Y. (2012), Shaping young people’s gender and sexual identities: can teaching practices produce diverse subjects? In Taylor, Y (Ed.) Educational diversity: The subjects of difference and different subjects. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. PP.75-95 (ISBN: 978-023-039-342-7)